​Meet the 2024-2025 Officers!


Student officers are high school students in grades 10-12.  They have shown maturity, leadership, and responsibility in your school JCL chapter.  Elected officers arrange to attend up to four meetings in Michigan, located in various parts of the state near the upcoming conference.  Student officers attend with their teacher, who is responsible for seeing that the student officer upholds his/her duties.

Teachers may select no more than THREE students to run for officers.  Students are given a form to obtain the signatures of their parents, teacher, and themselves to show that they have permission to run for an office.  The permission forms are sent to the student who is parliamentarian for the year.  This student compiles a list of students running for offices, making sure that only two students run for an office.  If there are more than two, the parliamentarian contacts the most recent student who has submitted a permission slip and asks the student to select a different office.

At the spring conference, the candidates prepare brief speeches to give to the entire group at the assembly prior to the voting.  At the conclusion of the speeches, the parliamentarian supplies each chapter with a ballot so the school may vote for TWO.  They may vote twice for the same candidate or split the vote with one for each of the two people running.  The votes are tallied, and the winners are announced during the awards assembly.  New officers are officially sworn in at a ceremony.  Officers receive an official NJCL pin.


Provide this information to all students interested in running for an office along with the following application.  Applications will be considered in the order in which they are received.  



  • Preside at all executive board meetings and at the annual conferences.
  • Coordinates with National Junior Classical as the official student representative of the organization.
  • Assist the state chairman as requested, including the preparation of the agenda for executive board meetings.
  • Promotes publicity and special projects.
  • Promotes MJCL to schools without JCL chapters encouraging them to join.

Editor of TAEDA (formerly called vice president)

  • Assist the president and help coordinate the MJCL activities.
  • Execute the duties of the president in the event of his/ her absence.
  • Edit, publish, and distribute the TAEDA at least three times annually and send three copies of each issue to the NJCL Publications contest.
  • See that an accurate account of all receipts and expenditures for publications is kept.
  • Keep on file three copies of each issue of the TAEDA.
  • Communicate with the NJCL webmaster regarding MJCL activities.
  • Send the MJCL news and publicity to the National Junior Classical League publicity chairperson and The Torch U.S.


  • Within two days after each meeting, distribute copies of the minutes of the executive board meetings and the state meetings to all members of the executive board.
  • Be responsible along with the vice president for the registration at the state meetings. Pass out the packets to the schools and welcome them as they arrive.
  • Maintain a continually updated executive board mailing list, and mail this list to all executive board members.
  • Write letters of invitation and appreciation to all participants in state meeting programs and other people instrumental to state meetings.
  • Keep on file copies of the MJCL Constitution and Bylaws, programs of state meetings, copies of special projects which may be borrowed by state chapters, copies of The Torch: U.S., TAEDA, and all executive board records.
  • Formulate and send a letter to each chapter requesting clippings and other scrapbook materials.
  • Take pictures and keep records of MJCL events. Share pictures with the webmaster.
  • Keep the MJCL scrapbook updated.
  • Give a regular report to the executive board on the progress of the scrapbook.
  • Arrange to enter and exhibit the scrapbook at the national convention.


  • Make all decisions concerning the correct observations of the rules of parliamentary procedures according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
  • Execute the duties of the president in the event of simultaneous absence of the president and the vice president.
  • Keep on file 3 copies of the MJCL constitution.
  • Conduct the Candidate Forum at the annual convention in accordance with the constitution.
  • In January, send permission slips for prospective officers to chapters in good standing.
  • Receive and file candidacy papers for the Michigan Junior Classical League officers, and send a summary sheet of the candidates to all chapters in good standing.  Contact students when three or more have chosen the same office and convince them to switch to an office where no one or one person is running to balance out the ballot.  Only two candidates should be running for each office.
  • Mail any proposed amendments to the constitution and bylaws.
  • Supervise and conduct the general election of state officers at the second general election assembly of the spring conference.  Each school is provided with a ballot to choose TWO choices for each office. They may choose to vote twice for the same person or split the ballot with one vote for each candidate.
  • At the joint executive board meeting, the leaving parliamentarian is to distribute copies of the current constitution to all incoming executive board members.

Salve omnes, my name is Miles Kohn and I am a rising senior at Detroit Country Day School and your MJCL parliamentarian. I’ve been in Latin since 6th grade and have loved it since day one. Going into college I hope to pursue a medical career and I’m sure that Latin will aid me in many ways as it is a language that seeps itself into every facet of society. I haven’t had the true MJCL experience due to Covid but am excited to make up time lost by making this year of MJCL the best it ever was. I am excited for this years spring conference and hope to see you all there.

​​Jaylen Pecora 

Victoria Wang

Hello everyone! My name is Marilyn Medley and I'm in my third year of Latin at Mercy High school. I will be your Vice President/ TAEDA Editor this year! I'm so excited for the opportunity to be your officer for a second year! We're very excited to bring the new ideas we have to life! In my free time, I read, watch hockey, or play with my dogs. 

Miles Kohn 

​​Marilyn Medley 

Hi! I am Victoria Wang, and I am this year’s state MJCL Secretary! I am currently a Junior at Detroit Country Day School, and I have been learning Latin since sixth grade. In 2021, I led my middle school MJCL chapter. And, I’ve been to three state MJCL conferences. In my free time, I love doing ballet, making art, and writing.

Salvete, omnes! My name is Jaylen Pecora and I am the president for the 2024-2025 school year. I go to Mercy High School and this will be my fourth year taking Latin. I have absolutely loved going to the state conventions and proudly representing my school in the Olympika games. I am so excited for this year’s convention, it is going to be amazing.